Manager’s Message

Manager’s Message – December 2020

A Remarkable Year

This year will no doubt mark a memorable year in the history books for all of us. Despite the pandemic forcing us to hit the pause button on a lot of things, it has forced us to think outside the box and work in ways we never thought of before. This creativity and innovation have pushed us to think more critically and expand our ideas. There are many positive things that have come out of this for both Hoosier Electric Cooperative, and the world, some of which include:

  • Innovation: The pandemic is a major market disruptor that has led to unprecedented levels of innovation, including within the Hoosier Electric Cooperative. Because more and more people are working from home, this has shifted the power load from commercial to residential and has required our team to implement additional contingency plans for ensuring your power stays on.
  • Carbon Emissions are Down: Carbon emissions are down globally and with manufacturing and air travel grinding to a halt, the planet has had a chance to rejuvenate. In other parts of the world, wildlife is also reappearing in major cities and biodiversity is slowly starting to return in various areas of the world.
  • Aid Included in Coronavirus Relief Bill: The $2 trillion coronavirus relief bill passed by Congress earlier this year helped electric cooperatives and their members by offering millions in aid for families struggling to pay their utility bills due to lost income from the employment crisis seen by pandemic layoffs. This allowed us to extend our cutoff periods to keep the lights on for you.

This year has been remarkable in many respects. Regardless of the great uncertainty imposed by the pandemic, we remain committed to keeping you powered through a historical year.

Happy Holidays!

Mary Douglas
General Manager

Manager’s Message – June 2020

Dear Members,

What a year we’ve had! Though times have been changing, there something that has stayed constant for those of us at Hoosier Electric Cooperative–our interest and concern for you comes first.

Because of this, we’ve long had programs in place to serve our members in difficult times. If you haven’t looked into our Payment Assistance programs yet, take a moment to review what we have to offer and find out if there is a way we can help you through this season.

Our customers have taken the gracious step in contributing to these programs over time and it’s allowed us to have these things in place when the economy is disrupted and when individuals face difficult financial circumstances. We are proud of the customer base that has made it possible and we are thankful for the opportunity to positively impact our community in this way.

I would also like to take a moment to remind you that our lobby remains closed at this time. If you need options for payment that differ from what you’ve used in the past, please visit our Payment & Billing page to view the many options we offer.

Though we have had to cancel or reschedule many community events and meetings we know the day will come when we get to gather in person again. Until then, we continue to be at your service.


Mary Douglas
General Manager

Manager’s Message — May 2020

Dear Members,

Spring has arrived and the valley is in bloom, but because of the current pandemic, few other things are business as usual.

Rest assured, although our office is closed to walk-in visitors and many of our staff are working remotely, we remain committed to providing you the safe, reliable service you’ve come to expect.

Here are a few items to note:

  • We recommend using our Online Payment Portal to easily and rapidly submit payment.
  • We have a walk-up payment window at our office for those who prefer to pay in person.
  • We are available to answer your questions by calling (219) 922-3811 or by emailing Hoosier.
  • We have not yet rescheduled our annual meeting. We will post information on our website and social media pages and send a new meeting notice by mail once those plans are finalized.
  • We encourage you to follow us on social media for our latest updates. We’re on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as @HoosierElectricCooperative. If you sign up for email billing, we will include you in email announcements about changes in operations.
  • We continue to offer Payment Assistance programs to our members; you must apply and present qualifying information to be considered.

I would like to thank our employees for the excellent work they are doing in these challenging conditions. We’re all adjusting to new ways of working, but remain committed to serving you, our members, safely, affordably, and reliably.


Mary Douglas
General Manager